Investor FAQs

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What is The RealReal’s Mission Statement?
The RealReal’s mission is to empower consignors and buyers to extend the life cycle of luxury goods in a way that honors luxury brands.
When was The RealReal incorporated?
The RealReal was originally incorporated in Delaware in 2011.
What is The RealReal’s ticker symbol? What exchange does The RealReal trade on?
The RealReal is listed on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol "REAL".
When does The RealReal’s fiscal year end?
The RealReal’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
Who sits on The RealReal’s board of directors?
Information on The RealReal’s board of directors can be found here.
Who is on The RealReal’s management team?
Information on The RealReal’s management team can be found here.
Where can I find corporate governance materials?
You can view The RealReal’s corporate governance documents here.
How can I obtain The RealReal’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing?
SEC filings can be found here.
When will earnings be announced?
Earnings information can be found here.
Who do I contact for information concerning my stockholder account? Who is The RealReal’s transfer agent?
If you hold The RealReal stock in your own name (not through a broker) please contact The RealReal’s transfer agent:

1-877-373-6374 (U.S.)

P.O. BOX 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000

How can I obtain a paper copy of my The RealReal stock certificate?
You can request a paper copy of your The RealReal stock certificate by contacting The RealReal’s transfer agent:

1-877-373-6374 (U.S.)

P.O. BOX 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000

Does The RealReal issue a dividend?
To date, The RealReal has not declared or paid a cash dividend. We currently intend to retain any future earnings and do not expect to pay any dividends in the foreseeable future.
How can I get added to The RealReal’s mailing list?
You can sign up for email alerts to receive notification of announcements and upcoming events here.